Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Anti-Bullying & Zero Tolerance

After reading these articles, I could not agree more to the Zero Tolerance Policy. The reason being that any act of violence is especially heinous. The schooling system does and should do its' best to create a safe and harmonious learning environment, however, it is also the student's responsibility to contribute to this environment as well. The students do this by meeting all of the academic requirements, and of course, behaving in a civil manner.

The reason for bullying is said to be built up pain and/or over self-esteem. Over self-esteem may not seem like a reasonable cause for bullying, but according to Csmonitor.com, it is. Although peer pressure and the wrong judgement of mind can contribute to one's malicious behavior, it cannot be considered an understandable motive for bullying

Cyber-Bullying is also a rather large problem. The taunting and teasing of others via electronic devices seems to be more common than physical bullying, most likely because the Bully feels more secure and protected because they are blocked by the wall of the computer screen. Unfortunately for them, they are wrong.

It's obvious that if acts like these are the cause of suicide among a large amounts of teenagers each year, it should be prohibited at all costs.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Control

Before the incident happened in Connecticut, I was neutral to whether or not the consumption on firearms should be supervised more cautiously. Obviously what Adam Lanza did was unforgivable and ruthless, but a good question comes to my mind when I think about this; Was the tragedy due to Adam Lanza's known mental illness, or was it due to the negligence of firearms sellers?

Of course a mentally-disabled person cannot be deemed trustworthy with a firearm, but is this really a reason to tighten the privilege of gun selling? I think it is. The saying "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" does apply here, but by limiting and cautiously supervising the distribution of firearms to people, gun crimes can go down tremendously. Personally, I believe that Adam got his hands on the firearms so easily because of the different firearm bearing laws in Connecticut, and the fact that the people that sold him the guns weren't aware of Adam's mental condition. This is why the distribution of firearms should be tightened in my opinion.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's Important

1) What's most important to me are my family and friends, without them, I wouldn't have anyone to love or care for and vice versa. The other thing that's most important to me is school, without it you can't succeed.

2) Honestly, I care most about my Family and my education (School). My family for the above reasons, and school for the best reasons as well.

3) My goals for the future are to:
  • Graduate from high school with +4.0 G.P.A. so I can receive a scholarship in academics, and Sports.
  • Enter a high-end university with a full scholarship.
  • Earn a Masters Degree, possibly a Doctorate for Linguistics-Foreign Language in only a matter of 4 years.
  • Graduate from the University (possibly Stanford), with a Masters or even better a Doctorate in Linguistics/World Language when I'm only 21.
  • Intern as a translator for the U.N.
  • If not the above, then open my own language school, where anyone can learn different languages.
  • Retire in peace and wealth.
4) What/Who motivates me to do my best and keep focused on my goals would have to be my Father, for he has brought me to how far I am now, and will continue to until I reach my goal. Also, the assurance of having a bright future where I can have all of the fun I want when I succeed and reach my goals is what motivates me as well.

To someone that found this assignment hard, I would tell them to prioritize the fact that their education is what is going to get them ahead in life, and that going to college/a university is key to unlocking your own goals or wishes as an adult. Look at it like this; if you graduate from a university at a young age with a Masters Degree in "___________," then you will be able to do whatever you want as an adult! Therefore there is no need to have to ruin your time as a teenager by wasting time having fun, have your fun later as an adult.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Playing the News

Playing The News.

1) I selected the "Hostage Gilad Shalit" article mainly because it is about the Hamas keeping Gilad Shilat in captivity until the Israeli's abide with the Hamas' demands of releasing 450 of Hamas' prisoners, some of which are to have "blood on their hands" as well.

2) I have decided to side with the Israelis because taking one hostage in any case or for any reason is considered especially heinous.

3) I believe that the Hamas should release Gilad Shilat because although he must've done something to harm the Hamas, he is a human being--therefore he deserves freedom.

4) My first prediction was that the Israelis were going to heed the Hamas' wishes and do so, therefore reclaiming Gilad Shalit.

5) I think that this type of "Interactive News" is definitely a funner and more interesting way to become enlightened about the news, it's a lot funner than having to read the article and self-imagine the story.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is the hardest language to learn?

This question has been asked millions of times throughout the Linguistic Community, and no one has been able to answer the question directly. As you know, there are many contributing factors that make learning a language as hard as it is. Some of these factors are; Different Writing Systems (Alphabets,) Different Grammatical Structures, and many more.

Although many cannot answer the key question, I believe I can. After a long time of studying linguistics, I have summarized that there really is no such thing as a "hard language." Of course trying to tackle Mandarin Chinese isn't the easiest thing to do, it can also be considered quite easy for other people. What really matters is what your native language is, for example- Let's say that your native language is English, then Dutch or German might be easier to learn than Korean or any Sino-Tibetan language.

The reason that an English speaker will find Dutch or German a lot easier to learn than others is because every language belongs to what are known as "Language Families." These "families" are constructed and bounded together with languages by their similarity in meaning, and comprehension. For example the Romance language family- this "Family" is well known for Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, and of course, Latin. Hence the name "Romance" languages...you didn't think that these languages were named "Romance" languages because of their romantic appeal, did you? But I digress.

Like the case of English speakers learning Dutch or German, this can relate with almost any language, let me give you another example: A native Japanese speaker will find that Korean will be easy to learn, this is also because of the fact that Japanese and Korean both originate from the Altaic Language family, so on and so forth.

However, do not let this minor setback discourage you, for it does not make it impossible, just a tiny bit more difficult. So be creative! Learn something out of your area, and have fun while doing it. Sayounara.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Impact of Photojournalism

Cnns iReport:
Just by seeing a picture of what the people in the story are going through makes me truly understand the significance of their predicament, whether they are suffering or enjoying.


This image speaks to me by showing the sorrow of many people that had to do whatever needed just to make very little pay, these people that do so are the most appreciative of people ever. These stories would have little to no impact with the absence of the pictures, because the pictures too tell a story as well, this would be where the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words" would come from.


I believe that this picture tells a story about violence and corruption. This picture was probably taken recently at a riot in a European country. This subject has been selected because it speaks to me about how society cannot ever agree with opposing forces and just have peace. The story is worth reporting because it can be used as a good example to show people that they need to change their ways of violence. The Photojournalist gained access to this photo by personally capturing the picture as the displayed was happening. This image helps the story by showing the viewer a clear image of what the story is about, it also helps to partially summarize and fill in spots about the story that the viewer didn't grasp while reading.

After viewing these images that professional Photojournalists captured, my opinion about Photojournalism has changed. Completing this task has taught me that Photojournalism ISN'T just taking pictures and posting them on the Internet, it is basically a way of life.