Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's Important

1) What's most important to me are my family and friends, without them, I wouldn't have anyone to love or care for and vice versa. The other thing that's most important to me is school, without it you can't succeed.

2) Honestly, I care most about my Family and my education (School). My family for the above reasons, and school for the best reasons as well.

3) My goals for the future are to:
  • Graduate from high school with +4.0 G.P.A. so I can receive a scholarship in academics, and Sports.
  • Enter a high-end university with a full scholarship.
  • Earn a Masters Degree, possibly a Doctorate for Linguistics-Foreign Language in only a matter of 4 years.
  • Graduate from the University (possibly Stanford), with a Masters or even better a Doctorate in Linguistics/World Language when I'm only 21.
  • Intern as a translator for the U.N.
  • If not the above, then open my own language school, where anyone can learn different languages.
  • Retire in peace and wealth.
4) What/Who motivates me to do my best and keep focused on my goals would have to be my Father, for he has brought me to how far I am now, and will continue to until I reach my goal. Also, the assurance of having a bright future where I can have all of the fun I want when I succeed and reach my goals is what motivates me as well.

To someone that found this assignment hard, I would tell them to prioritize the fact that their education is what is going to get them ahead in life, and that going to college/a university is key to unlocking your own goals or wishes as an adult. Look at it like this; if you graduate from a university at a young age with a Masters Degree in "___________," then you will be able to do whatever you want as an adult! Therefore there is no need to have to ruin your time as a teenager by wasting time having fun, have your fun later as an adult.